

noun, often attributive \ˈwiŋ\

: a part of an animal's body that is used for flying or gliding

: the wing of a bird and especially a chicken eaten as food

: one of usually two long, flat parts of an airplane that extend from the sides and make it possible for the airplane to fly

Full Definition of WING

a :  one of the movable feathered or membranous paired appendages by means of which a bird, bat, or insect is able to fly; also :  such an appendage even though rudimentary if possessed by an animal belonging to a group characterized by the power of flight
b :  any of various anatomical structures (as of a flying fish or flying lemur) providing means of limited flight
:  an appendage or part resembling a wing in appearance, position, or function: as
a :  a device worn under the arms to aid a person in swimming or staying afloat
b :  ala
c :  a turned-back or extended edge on an article of clothing
d :  a sidepiece at the top of an armchair
e (1) :  a foliaceous, membranous, or woody expansion of a plant especially along a stem or on a samara or capsule
(2) :  either of the two lateral petals of a papilionaceous flower
f :  a vane of a windmill or arrow
g :  sail
h :  an airfoil that develops a major part of the lift which supports a heavier-than-air aircraft
i chiefly British :  fender d
:  a means of flight or rapid progress
:  the act or manner of flying :  flight <take wing>
:  a side or outlying region or district
:  a part or feature of a building usually projecting from and subordinate to the main or central part <the servants' wing>
a :  one of the pieces of scenery at the side of a stage
b plural :  the area at the side of the stage out of sight
a :  a left or right section of an army or fleet :  flank
b :  one of the offensive positions or players on either side of a center position in certain team sports; also :  flanker
a :  either of two opposing groups within an organization or society :  faction
b :  a section of an organized body (as a legislative chamber) representing a group or faction holding distinct opinions or policies — compare left wing, right wing
a :  a unit of the United States Air Force higher than a group and lower than a division
b :  two or more squadrons of naval airplanes
:  a dance step marked by a quick outward and inward rolling glide of one foot
plural :  insignia consisting of an outspread pair of stylized bird's wings which are awarded on completion of prescribed training to a qualified pilot, aircrew member, or military balloon pilot
wingy \ˈwiŋ-ē\ adjective
in the wings
:  out of sight in the stage wings
:  close at hand in the background :  readily available <had a plan waiting in the wings>
on the wing
:  in flight :  flying
:  in motion
under one's wing
:  under one's protection :  in one's care <took her under his wing>

Illustration of WING

Origin of WING

Middle English winge, of Scandinavian origin; akin to Dan & Swedish vinge wing; akin to Sanskrit vāti it blows — more at wind
First Known Use: 13th century



: to travel to a place by flying there

: to throw (something) forcefully

: to touch or hit (someone or something) especially in the arm or wing while moving past

Full Definition of WING

transitive verb
a :  to fit with wings
b :  to enable to fly or move swiftly
a :  to traverse with or as if with wings
b :  to effect or achieve by flying
:  to let fly :  dispatch <would start to wing punches — A. J. Liebling>
a :  to wound in the wing :  disable the wing of <winged the duck>
b :  to wound (as with a bullet) without killing <winged by a sniper>
:  to do or perform without preparation or guidelines :  improvise <winging it>
intransitive verb
:  to go with or as if with wings :  fly —often used with it <winged it to Europe>

First Known Use of WING

IN THE WINGS Defined for Kids


noun \ˈwiŋ\

Definition of WING for Kids

:  one of the paired movable feathered or membranous parts with which a bird, bat, or insect flies
:  something like a wing in appearance, use, or motion <the wings of an airplane>
:  a part (as of a building) that sticks out from the main part
:  a division of an organization
wings plural :  an area just off the stage of a theater
wing·less \-ləs\ adjective
wing·like \-ˌlīk\ adjective
on the wing
:  in flight



Definition of WING for Kids

:  to move by means of wings :  fly
:  1throw 1 <I'd … wing a dart at the closest bull's-eye. — Jack Gantos, Joey Pigza Loses Control>
Medical Dictionary


noun \ˈwiŋ\

Medical Definition of WING

:  one of the movable feathered or membranous paired appendages by means of which a bird, bat, or insect is able to fly
:  a winglike anatomical part or process :  ala; especially :  any of the four winglike processes of the sphenoid bone—see greater wing, lesser wing
winged \ˈwiŋd, ˈwiŋ-əd\ adjective


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